who is't?
The Messeger | Saturday, September 22, 2012 |
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Beberapa minggu ini pemberitaan di tv khususnya Timur Tengah menjadi pusat perhatian dunia.
Mungkin benar dibeberapa negara bagian ada yang masih dalam keadaan perang, agresi militer.
Tapi pagi ini yang gue tonton bukan tentang itu, tapi munculnya sebuah film "Innocence of Muslim" yang kabarnya menewaskan warga Amerika Serikat yang ada di Libya.
Sampai akhirnya gue search apa sih itu film.
Awalnya gue pikir ini adalah suatu hal biasa, yang bisa dihadapi dengan isu-isu seperti ini.
Tapi entah kenapa makin bikin gue miris adalah saat isu ini meluas keseluruh dunia, Indonesia juga kena.
Jujur aja miriss..liat anak SD, yang demo dijalan.. iya anak kecil, gue cuma gak ngerti kenapa anak kecil dijadiin "alat".
Adik-adik SD, being a reactionary is not revolutionary it is ignorance lhoooo...
Demo di Surabaya sekelompok orang yang menamai diri mereka umat muslim, para rombongan besorban datangin resto cepat saji (KFC, McD) trus mensegelnya. Pertanyaaan gue cuma satu:
"Itu ayam salah ape pak haji??"
Sampai akhirnya gue mendapat Broadcast Messgr.. yang intinya mengimbau buat berhenti menggunakan Google, Youtube biar dapat mempengaruhi saham mereka. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
Tidak semua yang terjadi adalah sebuah kebetulan.........
Many of you are frustrated me with your messages about this stupid film that has consumed your minds.
May Allah forgive you for your ignorance and may He replace it with knowledge of Syariah, amin
The scholars have agreed that it is harram to repeat the words said by those who have slandered the Prophets and their family. Therefore continuing to talk about this movie is free promotion which makes more people hear this slander and share in this harram.
When one slanders the Prophets or their families or the sahahaba you are to leave that group of people so that if the punishment of Allah comes your not among them.
You should also ask them to make taubat.
Instead the Muslims have promoted this film with non-stop protest making
the film recent nearly 1 bilion views on Youtube.
At the same time the graves of the family of the Prophet in Libya and Mali have been destroyed and Sayyed's in Syria and Afghanistan, else where are being killed.
The muslims Rohigya have yet to receive any help from any muslim nation other than weak rheotic.
The Muslim in Mindanao are almost extinct.
Are those who are protesting praying, fasting, do they know how to make Wudu?
Do these muslims know fard Al-Ayn and fard Al-kiffayah?
What are you seeking to gain from this? HA!?
Its hypocritical to allow the graves of ahl bayt and the sahaba to be destroyed
and their living family members killed as you focus on this film.
Groups such as Ikhwan and Salafiyyah have only been using these protest to spread their influence for personal gain.
The Arab spring as a whole was a failure and was a plot to destabilize the Muslim world and it has worked.
So please stop protesting this film and turn to Allah. :)
Increase your Islamic studies and dawah efforts.
The Muslims cannot continue to fight in state of ghafeelah (heedlessness) with no wisdom or understanding.
Forgive me for this....is just a reminder return to your religion and its foundation of basic principles!
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